

Basically the Malaysian Women’s Action for Tobacco Control and Health (MyWATCH) is an NGO with civil society responsibilities, with several affiliations, which has pioneered various initiatives in its advocacies in accordance with the WHO FCTC. MyWATCH initiated and championed various projects namely the World No Tobacco Day (WNTD), Smoke Free Cities (MBAR, KLBAR, SELBAR), KOTAK (Kesihatan Oral Tanpa Asap Rokok), WHO Revolution Smoke Free (RSF), the Tobacco Free Generation (TFG), the Generational EndGame (GEG) and more.

We are both locally & internationally recognised, being affiliated with various local bodies and SEATCA (SEA Tobacco Control Alliance), carrying out the Tobacco Interference Index (TII) while our Medical Director, Dr Zarihah Zain, serves as an expert in the WHO FCTC IRM (Implementation Review Mechanism) and Elsevier Cancer Epidemiology Smoking Cessation after Cancer Editorial team. Dr Zarihah, Assoc Prof Dr Norashidah Mohd Nor and Dr Wency Bui have undertaken various studies and projects linked with SEATCA. Dr Norul Hernani Abd Latif was also selected and had undergone the John Hopkins Leadership Program.

MyWATCH Ladies also serve as the Ahli Lembaga Pelawat (ALP – Board of Visitors) at various hospitals within Malaysia, determining and the decision makers as to the wellbeing and welfare of patients, healthcare workers and the hospitals itselves.

MyWATCH has spearheaded and achieved many in terms of advocacies and awareness under the leadership of our President, Ms Roslizawati Md Ali, who is always a good communicator and listener, very respectful to the Ministers & Government; apolitical, advocating #Health4All. Ms Roslizawati is a strong negotiator, humble not arrogant, resourceful, entrepreneurial thinking towards a healthy community entrepreneur; and we hope to be able to share this, at all levels across
the globe.

MyWATCH has spearheaded and achieved many in terms of advocacies and awareness under the leadership of our President, Ms Roslizawati Md Ali, who is always a good communicator and listener, very respectful to the Ministers & Government; apolitical, advocating #Health4All. Ms Roslizawati is a strong negotiator, humble not arrogant, resourceful, entrepreneurial thinking towards a healthy community entrepreneur; and we hope to be able to share this, at all levels across the globe.


Untuk meningkatkan cara hidup sihat dikalang penduduk Malaysia,mencegah kegunaan tembakau dan menguatkan advokasi mengenai kawalan tembakau.



Untuk memberi kemudahan kepada pertubuhan-pertubuhan bukan kerajaan untuk program-program pecegahan dan intervensi pengunaan tembakau untuk membaiki kesihatan keluarga dan kanak-kanak.


Untuk menggukuhkan advokasi kawalan tembakau dengan menyediakan peningkatan kebolehan melalui bengkel, seminar, forum dan persidangan.


Untuk menyokong dan mengalakkan penyelidikan dan perkembangan perihal isu-isu tembakau.


Untuk mengalakkan komuniti mengamal kesihatan sempurna dengan menambah programprogram tanpa kegunaan tembakau mengikut jantina dan umur.


Untuk mengumpul maklumat dan mendapat kerjasama dari pertubuhan berkaitan isu-isu tembakau di luar dan di dalam Negara dalam usaha membanteras gejala merokok dikalangan kanak-kanak dan remaja.


i. MyWATCH jelas menyatakan nama pertubuhan
ii. Pertubuhan Wanita Malaysia Untuk Kawalan Tembakau dan Kesihatan nama penuh pertubuhan dalam Bahasa Malaysia
iii. Malaysian Womens Action for Tobacco Control and Health nama penuh pertubuhan dalam Bahasa lnggeris

The Smoke Free Logo

Lambang Dilarang [Merokok menunjukkan penekanan pertubuhan ini terhadap isu merokok di mana larangan merokok merupakan antara objektif utama MyWATCH.

Warna dalam logo MyWATCH adalah berasal dari warna-warna bendera lVlalaysia, iaitu melambangkan nilai-nilai asas kebangsaan yang menjadi tunggak bagi usaha perjuangan pertubuhan ini.

Red Color

Merah melambangkan semangat perjuangan waja demi memelihara kesihatan dan kehidupan rakyat Malaysia dari ancaman rokok

Blue Color

Biru melambangkan perpaduan para anggota MyWATCH yang terdiri dari berbilang kaum dalam mencapai matlamat pertubuhan

White Color

Putih melambangkan kebersihan budi pekerti MyWATCH dalam melaksanakan objektif kami


MyWatch position on interacting with the Tobacco Industry

In alignment with Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, we are committed to safeguarding tobacco control initiatives and policies against tobacco industry interference. To that end, MyWatch does not and will not partner with or receive funding from any organization or individual that represents or works to promote the interests of the tobacco and nicotine industry.

What is Article 5.3 FCTC – Read More